GLH 2200 ManuÂal braÂzing device
Quick conÂverÂsiÂon for difÂfeÂrent saw dimenÂsiÂons, short traiÂning periÂod and simpÂlest opeÂraÂtiÂon, ideÂal for small series and samples.
GLH 2200 ManuÂal braÂzing device
Quick conÂverÂsiÂon for difÂfeÂrent saw dimenÂsiÂons, short traiÂning periÂod and simpÂlest opeÂraÂtiÂon, ideÂal for small series and samples.
SpeÂcial chaÂracÂteÂristics
- InnoÂvaÂtiÂve machiÂne design for fast chanÂge over to difÂfeÂrent saw and carÂbiÂde tip sizes
- CarÂbiÂde tips are braÂzed centÂred to the saw body with high preÂcisÂiÂon
- The high freÂquenÂcy heaÂting sysÂtem allows braÂzing joints with repeataÂble quaÂliÂty
- The temÂpeÂraÂtuÂre conÂtrolÂled braÂzing and anneÂalÂing cycle allows braÂzing joints with supreÂme quaÂliÂty
- Quick famiÂliaÂrizaÂtiÂon with the machiÂne, easy to handÂle
- IdeÂal for small batÂches and samples
- IdeÂal for saw blaÂde repair
TechÂniÂcal descripÂtiÂon
- AdjusÂtÂment of saw diaÂmeÂter and rake angÂle by hand wheels / motor
- ManuÂal feed of the carÂbiÂde tips by means of an adjust-able tip supÂport
- The tips are fed into a water-cooÂled braÂzing grip and clamÂped cenÂtric with ceraÂmic plaÂtes
- ManuÂal transÂportÂing of the tip to the saw blaÂde with the braÂzing grip
- BraÂzing of the tip onto the cirÂcuÂlar saw blaÂde by means of inducÂtiÂve heaÂting
TechÂniÂcal data
- DiaÂmeÂter of saw blades: 300 – 2,200 mm
- Rake angÂle: ‑10° to +10º
- Tip width: 2 – 12 mm
- Tip length: 3 – 20 mm
- High-freÂquenÂcy power: 5.6 kW
- MachiÂne dimenÂsiÂons (L x W x H): 1,900 x 1,000 x 1,900 mm
- Weight: approx. 1,300 kg
- High-freÂquenÂcy power: 12 kW
- TemÂpeÂraÂtuÂre conÂtrolÂled braÂzing
- Water cooÂling sysÂtem
SpeÂcial design on request.